June 2011 Photographer Contest

1 sarasobkoviaklife

Congratulations to Chicago’s Sara Sobkoviak on winning first place in the Bella Life portion of June’s contest. Great integration of the family and skyline.


2 kimberli.nelson.june.life

Kimberli Nelson (Chicago) is our second place winner. Beautiful use of back-light!


H Carolmilliganjunelife

H jasminelopez H LauraManzano-life

And we must mention… [top] Carol Milligan (Chicago); [bottom left to right] Jasmine Lopez (Chicago) and Laura Manzano (Chicago)


1 melissagale

How adorable is this? First place for Bella Baby goes to Melissa Gale (Washington).


2T MichelleBailey 2T tinaskiver1

Tied for second place are two very talented photogs– [left to right] Michelle Bailey (Colorado) and Tina Skiver (Chicago)


H amandaanttilaoza H carolmilliganbabyjune

H kimberlystotlar H ChristineSpringer H lesligresholdt

H EJFleck H HeatherBrooks

June brought in a lot of honorable mentions! Our gifted photographers make it hard to choose! [top left to right] Amanda Anttila Oza (Washington) and Carol Milligan (Chicago); [middle left to right] Kimberly Stotlar (Chicago), Christine Springer (Pennsylvania) and Lesli Gresholdt (Chicago); [bottom left to right] EJ Fleck (Ohio) and Heather Brooks (Nevada).

First place winners receive a $75 gift card and second place winners receive a $50 gift card. 

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