April 2011 Photographer Contest

1 amyromberg-life

Congratulations to our Bella Life first place winner, Amy Romberg (Chicago)! We love this classically beautiful photo.


1 MelissaNaldzin

Second place goes to Melissa Naldzin (Pennsylvania). How can you not love this face?!


H ceciliamoyer_life H MichelleBaileyLife

H KathrynPooleLife H lizreeselfe

Check out these honorable mentions– [top left to right] Cecilia Moyer (Iowa) and Michelle Bailey (Colorado); [bottom left to right] Kathryn Poole (Pennsylvania) and Liz Reese (Virginia).


1 PamSchofield

This beautiful shot is our Bella Baby first place winner. Great work, Pam Schofield (Michigan)!


2 marykalhor-april 2 robincarbaugh

It was too hard to decide, so we have a tie for second place. Mary Kalhor (Washington) [left] and Robin Carbaugh (Tennessee) [right] took these amazing shots!


HM Nathania tenWolde B

H ShannonFoote HM Virginia_ Harold

And here is the wonderful work of our honorable mentions– [top] Nathania tenWolde (Washington); [bottom left to right] Shannon Foote (Georgia) and Virginia Harold (Missouri)

First place winners receive a $75 gift card and second place winners receive a $50 gift card. 

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