Newborn Photography: Which Session is Right for Me?

Looking for a newborn photographer? Between fresh 48, lifestyle & studio options, choosing the right style of newborn photography for your family can feel overwhelming. We broke down the differences, challenges, and benefits so you can make the right decision for your growing family.

Newborn photography options

Fresh 48 sessions: As the name implies, fresh 48 sessions take place within 48 hours of the baby’s birth, usually in the hospital or birthing center. These sessions document your baby’s first interactions with family and the details that change quickly like wrinkled skin and tiny fingers. Some hospitals have contracts to provide this service or will allow you to register your photographer as a visitor to facilitate the session.

Lifestyle sessions: Lifestyle newborn sessions typically take place in the comfort of the family’s home within the first few weeks after birth. These sessions focus on the daily life of your family and the interactions within your home. A lifestyle photographer will often use prompting and direction rather than posing to create beautiful family moments.

Studio newborn sessions: Studio sessions involve taking your family to a portrait studio within the first 2 weeks after birth. The photographer controls the lighting, props, and backdrops to create stylized images. These sessions include posed images of the baby and family members, creating an artistic portrayal of your new arrival.

Timing and setting

Fresh 48: The session takes place 24-48 hours after your baby’s birth, making it raw and immediate. The backdrop of your hospital room tells the authentic story of your baby’s first days.

Lifestyle: In contrast, lifestyle sessions typically occur at the family’s home within the first few weeks after birth. This provides more control and a more relaxed and intimate feeling. The timing for an in-home lifestyle session is not as critical, which provides added flexibility for scheduling.

Studio: These sessions typically take place within the first 2 weeks of a baby’s life, when they are still sleepy and easily posed. The studio environment provides greater control than either the hospital or your family home. The photographer provides the lighting and props necessary for a polished, artistic photoshoot.

Session details

Fresh 48: During a fresh 48 session, your photographer may provide prompts or poses to encourage interaction. However, the primary goal is to preserve candid moments and the connections that occur after birth. Your photographer will also capture details like your baby’s wrinkly skin, tiny fingers, and first expressions.

Lifestyle: Your photographer may suggest settings or activities in your home that will create the opportunity for candid family moments. The additional guidance emphasizes the home environment and daily interactions while preserving a relaxed, intimate feeling.

Studio: In contrast to the other styles, a studio newborn session is highly stylized. Your photographer will pose both your family members and your newborn in a variety of looks and themes. These beautifully crafted images have a fine art quality but may lack the spontaneity that the other session options provide.

Newborn photography benefits and challenges

Fresh 48 sessions: This style of newborn session provides the unique opportunity to preserve the memory of your baby’s first days of life. However, it also comes with unique challenges due to the unpredictable timing of births and the limited control over the hospital setting. Some newborn photographers may not be available on short notice or may not be familiar with the intricacies of the hospital setting.

TIP: Bella Baby photographers are onsite at our contracted hospitals every day. They are familiar with hospital protocols and are experts in addressing the unique challenges of photographing in a hospital room. If Bella Baby Photography is unavailable in your area, your family, friends, or physician may be able to recommend a photographer who has experience in a hospital setting.

Lifestyle sessions: In-home sessions provide a relaxed and familiar setting for families. Your home allows for greater control over lighting and backgrounds. You can also work with your photographer to choose areas of your home that receive the best light. However, it may require extra preparation on your part to coordinate your session and ensure your home is photo ready.

Studio sessions: Newborn sessions at a studio offer the most controlled setting. Your photographer will adjust the lighting and props to ensure everything is in the proper place for a beautiful session. However, these sessions provide less flexibility since your photographer may charge a cancellation or rescheduling fee if you need to move your session date. You will also need to bring your newborn to the studio which may be challenging in your baby’s first weeks.

Tips for parents

For fresh 48 newborn sessions:

  • -Have a hospital bag packed with items you may want for your photoshoot. Read What to Bring for a Fresh 48 Photoshoot for our tips on what to bring.
  • -Use a newborn photography service provided by your hospital or have a plan for communicating with your chosen photographer when your baby arrives.
  • -Embrace the moment & trust your photographer to capture the authenticity of the experience.

For lifestyle newborn sessions:

  • -Prepare your home by decluttering and ensuring there is enough natural light in the rooms where you’ll be photographed.
  • -Choose comfortable outfits that reflect your family’s style or ask your photographer for tips on what to wear.
  • -Focus on interacting with your family & let your photographer guide you through any posed shots.

For studio newborn sessions:

  • -Bring any props you would like your photographer to use.
  • -Ensure your baby is well-rested and fed when you arrive at the studio.
  • -Schedule your session for when your baby is likely to be sleepy and cooperative (usually within the first 2 weeks).
  • -Trust your photographer to set up the shots and handle the posing.

It’s up to you

Choosing between fresh 48, lifestyle, and studio newborn sessions ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some families may prefer the authenticity and immediacy of fresh 48 sessions and some may gravitate towards the comfort and intimacy of lifestyle newborn sessions. Other families prefer the controlled and artistic style of a studio session. Some families even choose to do more than one session! Whatever you choose, we know you are sure to treasure every moment of your baby’s first professional photos.