It’s our privilege to capture the beautiful moments of a family’s first days with their new baby. At Bella Baby Photography, we know a first photoshoot with the newest member of your family is just one of the many firsts your growing family will experience. All those firsts can come with a lot of questions (over 2,000 in the first year on average). That’s why Bella Baby Photography partnered with Joy to bring Joy Parenting Club to select hospitals. Beginning May 21, 2024, Bella Baby photographers introduced Joy Parenting Club to families during their in-hospital photography sessions.
What is Joy Parenting Club?
Joy Parenting Club is a service that offers resources & support for parents of children ages 0-5. Joy was founded by three parents who understand the decisions, challenges, and questions parents face during their baby’s first years. That’s why Joy’s team of experts provides:
–Joy On Call: a 24/7 texting service with parenting coaches and certified sleep and feeding experts to answer your questions, even at 3am
–Digital Parenting Toolkits: short videos with strategies & tips to get you through every month of your baby’s first year
–Joy Resource Library: access to hundreds of expert-backed articles and videos
–The Joy Community: a platform where you can connect with & get support from other parents in your local community
A few words from Joy parents
We can tell you about all the wonderful things Joy Parenting Club offers, but why listen to just us? Here’s some feedback Joy parents shared about their experiences using their Joy membership. We’ve removed their names to protect their privacy.
-Thank you, that’s exactly what I needed last night. Just to be heard and maybe a little understood. I’m forever grateful for this resource! Such a game changer.
-I was constantly comparing myself to other parents and feeling inadequate. Joy helped me focus on my own strengths and values as a parent, and embrace my unique parenting styles.
-Thank you for all your support through last night and this morning! I don’t think we changed much today, but I have a completely different baby tonight! Cannot thank Joy enough for just being there! Absolute game changer for me. My husband tries to be supportive, but you guys know the true struggles of being a mom and it helps so much to be understood on that level. Virtual hugs to you all!
Visit their website for more information, or to sign up for your own Joy Parenting Club membership.