March & 1st Quarter 2024 Contest Winners

It’s time for another round of contest winners!! We are proud to present the winners for our March & 1st quarter 2024 contests. This month you’ll see the March winners in the Bella Baby (in-hospital photography) and Bella Life (outside the hospital photography) contests, plus an additional set of winners. The additional category is our rotating themed contest that takes place once each quarter.

In our quarterly contests, we invite our photographers to submit their best images for the theme. However, unlike the monthly contests, photographers may enter any images taken during the quarter. For the 1st quarter contest, entries had to be photographed in January, February, or March. This quarter’s theme was “Creative Props.” Props are a fantastic way for families to personalize their sessions, and we always enjoy seeing the creative ways our photographers incorporate these personal items into the Fresh 48 photography experience.

Without further ado, here they are: the winners of the March & 1st Quarter 2024 contests. Congratulations to all on your excellent work!

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