May 2011 Photographer Contest

1 carolmilliganmaylife

Congratulations to Bella Life first place winner, Carol Milligan (Chicago)! We love this unique shot!


2 LaurenKennedy

Lauren Kennedy (Washington) photographed this cutie and is awarded second place.


H LauraManzanoMayLife H tiffanydiamond2

H jackieburkelifemay

More Bella Life talent to show off! [top left to right] Laura Manzano (Chicago) and Tiffany Diamond (Washington); [bottom] Jackie Burke (Chicago)


1 EJFleck

Isn’t this photo beautiful? We had to give this first place for the Bella Baby portion of the contest. Great work, EJ Fleck (Ohio)!


H MaryLiput

What a great photo! Second place winner, Mary Liput (Colorado), captured this moment.


H HeatherHarty H Nicole Goodenow 2

H abigailjunge H LauraManzanoMayBaby

H StephenieLindsay

Many more talented photographers to mention– [first row left to right] Heather Harty (Chicago), Nicole Goodenow (Iowa) and Kimberli Nelson (Chicago); [middle left to right] Abigail Junge (Chicago) and Laura Manzano (Chicago); [bottom] Stephenie Lindsay (Pennsylvania)

First place winners receive a $75 gift card and second place winners receive a $50 gift card. 

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