The safety of your newborn is something Bella Baby takes seriously. When Bella Baby enters your room you can be assured that we are safety conscious, and trained to follow all of the most current safety, cleanliness and HIPAA rules that your doctors and nurses […]
Category: Resources for Parents
What’s A Sprinkle?
In the past moms would have thought a sprinkle was a need to have a change of clothes;an unexpected mishap during a diaper change; the reason pee-pee teepees wereinvented. Today, we know it to be a reason to celebrate. A play on the word shower, it is […]
Mother’s Day Is Just Around the Corner
To the world, you are a mother.To our family, you are the world. -Unknown Mom aka. Superwoman, Saint, Booboo Kisser, Peacemaker, Teacher, Nurse, Housekeeper, Meal Planner, Chef, Therapist, Seamstress, Errand Runner, Taxi Driver, Chaos Coordinator, Photographer, Family CEO, Family CFO, Head Cheerleader, Hairstylist, Personal Shopper […]
So Your Wife is Expecting: A Guide for Expectant Fathers
Dads need advice, too. You have to navigate your own issues while also trying to support and encourage your pregnant wife or life partner. We don’t want you to go it alone.