December 2012 Photographer Contest!

It is with great pleasure that we present our finest… Congratulations to all of our December Bella Life and Bella Baby photography winners!

Taking 1st place for Bella Life this month is Carol DeAnda of [Illionis] top left,  for her shot of this glowing soon-to-be mom and dad:)  2nd place goes to Amy Bell [Arkansas] top right, for a truly magical image.  Our life photographers sure know how to capture treasured moments!  Bella Life Honorable Mentions are awarded to….  Paige Poelman [Illinois] 2nd row left; Amy Romberg [Illinois] 2nd row right; Becky Swanson [Illinois] 3rd row left; Karen Obrist [Washingon] 3rd row right; Jennifer Welenc [Illinois] 4th row left; Laura Manzano [Illinois] 4th row right; and Lauren Kennedy [Washington] 5th row.

CarolDeAnda-1 AmyBell-2

paige  poelman-H amyromberg-H

beckyswanson-H karenobrist-H

JenniferWelenc-H LauraLManzano-H


First place winners receive a $75 gift card and second place winners receive a $50 gift card.

And last but certainly not least… Our December Bella Baby winners!   How you must have wowed the families with these photos!  Congratulations….

Tara Basta [Illinois] 1st row left, takes 1st Place for her gorgeous black and white image of this nestled little one:)  2nd Place goes to Jessica Dobson [New York] 1st row right.  Just look at that eye contact and great connection!

TaraBasta-1 Jessica Dobson-2

With so many great shots to choose from this month, the following simply could not go without mentioning.  Honorable Mentions go to….

Tiffany Miller [Ohio] 1st row left; Mary Zarembski [Illinois] 1st row middle; Kimberly Scherer [Washington] 1st row right; Sarah Williams [Virginia] 2nd row left; Lauren Kennedy [Washington] 2nd row right; Laura Manzano [Illinois] 3rd row left; Kimberly Stotlar [Illinois] 3rd row right, Karen Obrist [Washington] 4th row left; Jenny Gegg [Nebraska] 4th row right; Carol DeAnda [Illinois] 5th row left; and Diane Koester [Washington] 5th row right.

Tiffany Miller-H maryzarembski-H Kimberly Scherer-H

Sarah Williams-H LaurenKennedy-H

LauraManzano-H kimberlystotlar-H

karenobrist-H jennygegg-H

CarolDeAnda-H Dianekoester-H

First place winners receive a $75 gift card and second place winners receive a $50 gift card.

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